Friday, October 5, 2007

How was my research paper doing?

Well, to be honest, I’m not sure. But I guess I am okay since I worked out what to do and what I don’t need to do. I decided to not write on biographical research, because that would need Blake’s autobiography (if he has one – which I couldn’t find), his letters to all his friends, family and colleagues and I would need a lot of critiques. I just found that it is a lot of work and it could even fit 10 pages.

So I worked on the imagery of the colour black that has being portrayed a lot in his works. I first thought that it is boring…but as I work through, it is not if you know how to tackle it.

I would need to find his biography, critiques on the poems and colour reference towards emotions. I guess I am alright, as long as I know what I don’t know…then I would know what I need to find.

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