Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Daedalus and Icarus

Ok, here is the picture of ‘The Fall of Icarus’

We had other picture with two men naked in the sky, one is falling down…yadda yadda. But this is the one which is right. First I wonder where is Icarus? I can’t even find his father. Well if you look closely at the ship, there are two legs (which I first thought was the hands…which then made me wonder where is the head?)

Have I mentioned about reading Ovid Metamorphosis (the author) Daedalus and Icarus (a person, not a country)? Well, there was patience moment which then comes the confused moments. Reading the text was a painful experience overall. Hmn hmn. There are so many names and some are not even connected and so alien to me (they are Latin names). The next step that we are asked to do is to simplify the story into 250 – 350 words essay.

While the story about the King of Bharatas made me feel a bit better than reading Ovid’s work. But the whole thing stills an alien to me. And what we had to do with the work is to find a story that has the same theme in the story King of Bharatas. We are also to find Malaysian Folklore.

Picture cited from http://www.usm.maine.edu/eng/bruegel%20icarus.JPG

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